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Ray Tracey Necklace of Coral and Freshwater Pearls

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  • Ray Tracey Necklace of Coral and Freshwater Pearls

Ray Tracey Necklace of Coral and Freshwater Pearls

A collector piece for the many Ray Tracey fans out there. This luxurious necklace is made by Ray Tracey of exquisite materials - multi-strands of angel skin coral interspersed with strands of freshwater pearls along with 14kt gold topped off with a diamond. The necklace gives quite a few different looks as there is a large, reversable, removable pendant. One side of the pendant is a 14kt tufa cast textured gold serpent with a diamond head The other side of the pendant is sparkly opal, coral and sugilite inlay of a kachina face set in 14kt. Both sides show dangling 14kt gold feathers that are graduated in size. The pendant can be completely detached, and the beads can be worn choker length, or other Ray Tracey pendants can be attached for a different look. Also, the pendant itself can be worn alone hanging from a simpler necklace. The necklace measures 18 1/2" long from end to end plus an additional 1 1/2" wide and 3 1/4" long for the pendant. Enjoy phenomenal 50% off pricing as part of our Holiday Wonderland sale. This pendant is an estate piece purchased from Ray Tracey in 1991.
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